Classes with Mecia

Mecia leads dance and yoga classes in St. Albans, Harpenden, Elstree and London.

You can join her for invigorating vinyasa classes, fun, up tempo ballet body conditioning or slow and flowing pregnancy yoga classes.



A class which practices bringing balance to the body and mind through a strong dynamic vinyasa flow, were we will balance and play with strong roots and focus, strength and grace.

Classes are welcome to beginners and those with experience in St. Albans, Harpenden and Radlett.

Expect fun flowing sequences grounded in breathwork to drive energy and focus.

I had a great class with Mecia teaching! she’s warm and welcoming and made me feel at ease but also knows how to push me and gives great cues for me to get deeper in the pose. Instructions were clear without waffle, which meant I got a break from thinking and I felt physically amazing and happy when I was leaving! Love her style!
— Meabh Spillane, Clapham
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First Dance Choreography.

Leading the first dance on your wedding day can be quite daunting. All eyes on you, not falling over, not looking awkward or completely off with the music.

Your plan is to have had a few glasses of fizz by then to give you that dutch courage, but what if I can make you feel that way in a couple of lessons?

Having helped over 130 couples to date, drop me a message and let’s have a chat.

Ballet Body Conditioning.

A combination of barre, centre work and floor work. Perfect if looking to tone up, work on strength, flexibility and coordination. A workout for the whole body. Get ready to sweat! And always go at your own pace. Currently on hold, making a comeback summer 2023 - register interest below

Pregnancy Yoga.

A vinyasa style pregnancy yoga class in the heart of St. Albans, flowing through safe postures to music.

Pregnancy yoga can play a key role in enhancing the experience of this precious time helping you enjoy your pregnancy with minimal discomfort. Learn various sequences and techniques to draw from to help us achieve our best possible birthing experience.

Welcome to beginners and those with experience, you needn't have practiced yoga before to enjoy the benefits of these classes.

This is time for you and your growing baby, everything else can wait while you’re on the mat! Suitable from 12 weeks to birth. Currently on hold, making a comeback summer 2023 - register interest below